Have you or someone you know experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth, a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis, or infant loss? Others who can empathize with your experiences are here to help, and the Church is here to support you.
Behold Your Child is a ministry developed by the Archdiocese of Dubuque to help provide hope and healing for parents and families who are currently, have recently, or have in the past experienced the loss of a child during pregnancy or infancy. Trained ministers will provide a confidential listening ear, helpful resources, and experience-based guidance.
You are not alone in your loss. There is hope and healing for grieving parents and families. To learn more and find local support contact Kathy Riniker at 563-245-3775 or if there is no answer 563-920-4772. You can also find resources at www.dbqarch.org/beholdyourchild.
The Emmaus Pastorate hosts a prayer service annually in October for those who have lost pregnancies and infants. The services are times of prayer, healing, remembrance, and support for all those who have been affected by the death of a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, infant death, or a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis. For more information about the service or the Behold Your Child Ministry, contact Kathy Riniker (563-245-3775) or visit www.dbqarch.org/beholdyourchild.