Thank you for submitting a prayer intention and/or praying for those in need of intercession! Please note that prayer intentions are reassed after 30 days. If you wish for your intention to be listed longer, please resubmit this form or call one of our offices at 563-928-7200 (Emmaus Pastorate Office) or 563-245-2548 (St. Joseph Parish Center).
If you wish your intention to remain anonymous, please do not use this form. Instead, call one of our offices or your parish's Prayer Chain contact(s).
St. Mark Barb Althoff Dave Althoff Denise Child JoAnn Fitzpatrick Judy Fry Ruth Hamilton Daniel Helle Mitchell Helle Craig Kluesner Nicole Ludwig Maxine Ronnebaum Francis Sperfslage Wayne Tauke Diane Uhlenkamp Jodi Vorwald Al Williams St. Joseph Joan Barton Jim Downey Wayne Frentress MaryAnn McMillin Denise Mueller Joe Mueller Amanda White St. Patrick Dave Domeyer Angela Kirby Mary Mormann John Schilling Carol Vorwald | St. Mary Janet Boeckenstedt Sandra Gruman Merlin Goedken Diane Harris Michael Keppler Kathie Kirkpatrick Steve Meyer Kelly Schloss Mickey Schloss Amber Schuchmann Connie Ross Steger Sacred Heart Ron Aylsworth Bobbi Jo Bergan Carolyn Ewoldt Anna Mae Leichliter Pat Pope Non-Parishioner Aiden Bailey Helen Baum Eli Belser Diane Carney Anna Dolan Lori Gearhart Julie Larson Fr. Joe Schneider |