Matt Mensen - President
Jeff Bonert - Vice President
Sandy Klaus - Secretary
Dean Boeckenstedt - Buildings & Grounds Committee
Tom Klaus - Finance Committees
Carol Steger - Liturgy Committee
Doug Brown - At Large
Carol Steger - Social Concerns Committee
Becca Barry - Faith Formation Commission Chair
Sarah Mormann - Parish Life Chairs
Sean Steffen - At LargeFind the slides from the All Pastoral Councils Meeting here.
Sarah & Jamie Mormann - Chair
Bob & Peggy Schilling
Kris & Jeremy Hillers
Carol Steger, Chair
Sandy Klaus, Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Don VonHandorf, Hospitality
Steve Steinfadt, Music
Carol Brown, Sacristans
Deanne Wulfekuhle, Altar Servers
Carol Walters, Rosary Leaders
Dorothy Roling, Prayer Chain
Tom Klaus - Chair
Diane Steinfadt
Jeanette Thein
Dean Boeckenstedt - Chair
Dave & Diane Domever
Jeremy Hillers
Matt Mensen
Jerry & Janet Naderman
Steve Steinfadt
Pat Thein
Patrick Thein
Don VonHandorf
Bob Wessel
Carol Steger - Chair
Lucas Thein
Becca Barry - Chair
Jodi McCabe - Director of Religious Education
Sheryl Hoffman
Maria Mensen
Mikha Mormann
Melissa Schilling
Amanda K. DiersBob Schilling - Grand Knight
Steve Schilling
Carol Steger - Chair
Deanne Wulfekuhle