Leon Deutsch - Chair
Bobbie Bergan - Secretary
Randy Ciesielski
Scott Bushman
Theresa Palas – Finance
Mary Jo Fettkether – Parish Life
Jolene Christeleit – Faith Formation Commission
Find the slides from the All Pastoral Councils Meeting here.
Mary Jo Fettkether - Chair
Linda Deutsch - Chair and Lectors
Theresa Palas, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, and Sacristans
Mary Jo Fettkether, Hospitality and Prayer Chain
Jennifer Ciesielski, Music
Rosary Leaders, Clementine Walz
Theresa Palas - Chair
Bobbie Bergan - Secretary
Nick Fettkether - Co-Chair
Ryan Bergan - Co-Chair
Lanny Deitschler - Co-Chair
Zach Palas
Theresa Palas
Nick Osweiler
Julie Meyers
Jennifer Ciesielski
Beth Petsche - Chair
Jane Spargrove
Melissa Fettkether - Chair
Bobbie Bergan - Finance Committee
Leon Deutch
Randy Ciesielski
Bobbie Bergan
Nick Osweiler
MaryAnn Morris - Chair
Leon Deutsch
Linda Deutsch
Beth Petsche