Find the slides from the All Pastoral Councils Meeting here.
Kim Swales, Chair
Dave Bockenstedt
Brent Francois
Nancy Keppler
Tom Raithel
Deb Recker - Co-Chair
Elaine Sadler - Co-Chair
Kathy Riniker, Chair
Mike Tucker, Extraordinary Miniters of Holy Communion
Dan & Nancy Hayes, Hosptiality
Susie Tjaden, Music
Delaine Gruman, Lectors
Cindy Neis, Altar Servers
Bob Recker, Sacristan
Jim Lechtenburg - Chair
Tom Raithel
Marie Riniker - Chair
Lori Keppler - Faith Formation Director
Cindy Neis
Jennifer Fuller
Kathy Riniker
Chelsey Moellers
Israel de la Rosa - Grand Knight
Tony Recker - Treasurer