Bill Erickson - Chair
Carla Clark -Vice Chair
Nancy Schmelzer- Secretary
Ann Gibney - Parish Life Committee
Cody Mueller - Social Justice Committee
Alice White - Finance Committee
TBD - Faith Formation Committee
Find the slides from the All Pastoral Councils Meeting here.
Ann Gibney - Chair
Alice White, Chair
Kevin Roys
Mary Kuehl
Kathy Mueller
Joyce Piorkowski
Mike Rentschler, Chair and Sacristans
John D. Wiley, Jr., Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Fran Zichal, Hospitality
John Uhal, Music
Courtney Vorwald, Lectors
Tom & Jen Wilwert, Altar Servers
Cheryl Whittle, Rosary Leaders
Susanne Hankey, Prayer Chain
Bob Hankey - Chair
John Goodin
Rick Dengler
Bill Erickson
Jerry Keleher
Jay Farmer
Matt Mueller
Alice White
Fran Zichal
Mike Casper
Colleen Moore - Chair
Bill & Diane Erickson
Jerry & Christine Muff
Linda Gardner
Claudia McCalley
Joleen Jansen
John Uhal - Grand Knight
Mike Rentschler - Chair