Matthew Venteicher, Chair
Mike Schmitz, Vice Chair
Anne Funke, Secretary
Mark Nefzger
Paul Glaza
Larry Pape
Jane Christiansen, Stewardship and Social Concerns Committee
Greg Deutmeyer, Finance Committee
Lynn Lueken, Parish Life Committee
Josh Steffen Faith Formation
Find the slides from the All Pastoral Councils Meeting here.
Team Name | Team Leaders |
Amazing Grace | Jason & Laurie Wiskus |
Companions on the Journey | Jim & Lynn Leuken |
Disciples of Christ (DOC) | Dave & Ann Venteicher |
Glory Be | Scot & Jane Christiansen |
God Squad | Lynn & Cheryl Stone |
Good Samaritans | Mike & Aggie Putz |
Hope's Answer | Karon DeMar and Bruce & Sharon Besler |
Ready to Go Beyond | Dennis & Annette Knipper |
Rock Solid | Jeff & Ann Funke |
Walk in Faith | Darla Hankins and Bruce & Diane Formo |
Linda Williams, Chair and Sacristans
Mike Putz and Cameron & Carson Knipper, Altar Servers
Jane Christiansen, Music
Brian & Melissa Atkinson, Hospitality
Eileen Bergan & Duane Drees, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Marsha Hauser, Lectors and Rosary Leaders
Norma Venteicher and Carlyn Hunt, Prayer Chain
Greg Deutmeyer- Chair
Brian Atkinson
Harry Wulfekuhle, Chair
Judy Lueken, Chair
Amber Wessels
Nathan Erickson
Jennifer Lange
Patricia Rezende
Josh Steffen
Patty Rezende
Jeff Vorwald - Grand Knight