Establish a two-track marriage ministry, with Track #1 for blended families, and Track #2 for traditional families. This will be a St. Mary’s Goal, but will be
promoted Pastorate wide and also within the communities of the parish.
Marriage is a Sacrament of the Church. As such, it is essential to have ongoing peer-to-peer engagement and support for the everyday life of marriage. This is not a marriage prep course or a marriage problem-solving group. It’s a marriage growth and
enhancement group. There seems to be a gap regarding blended families. Often when
divorce occurs, people feel ashamed or judged, and they leave the church. By inviting those who are in blended families to a church sponsored group, specifically for blended families, it sends a very different, and welcoming message. We hope that some will be encouraged to join the parish. In a recent review of an area graduating class, it was estimated that 63% of the high school graduates were currently in blended families.
Offering of Financial Peace University to parishioners (9 Sessions)
Being good stewards of our resources is an essential responsibility of our faith. Dave Ramsey offers a proven program that aligns well and is consistent with Christian values. This may help individual members of both parish and pastorate to improve their personal finances and become better stewards. It will also be open to the communities in the pastorate.