Fr. John Haugen answering questions/photoalbums/vocations-panel-discussion/IMG_0906.jpg_parent
Len Uhal, of Divine Word College, listening to Sr. Carla Popes, PBVM telling her vocation story/photoalbums/vocations-panel-discussion/IMG_0902.jpg_parent
Len Uhal, National Vocation Director for Divine Word College, tells his vocation story/photoalbums/vocations-panel-discussion/IMG_0898.jpg_parent
The panel listening to Fr. Sam Cunningham, SVD, answer a question about living in community/photoalbums/vocations-panel-discussion/IMG_0896.jpg_parent
Dick and Dianne Fette share how God has been a part of their married life/photoalbums/vocations-panel-discussion/IMG_0911.jpg_parent